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"small is beautiful: (A)rtschwager to (Z)augg"


Mai 36 Galerie presents the exhibition "small is beautiful: (A)rtschwager to (Z)augg" on the 1st floor of the Mai 36 townhouse at Rämistrasse 37.

In contrast to the "bigger is better" concept of western economics, the phrase "small is beautiful" is taken from one of the first books on politics, by economist E.F. Schumacher. The book "Small is beautiful" was a radical challenge to the 20th century’s way of thinking economically - with what the author described as "gigantism". The exhibition champions a selection of exquisite small and beautiful artworks made by four generation of artists over the course of the last decades. In the three rooms on the 1st floor of the Mai 36 townhouse we group the various works in three sections: Talking Heads (Portraits), Abstract Thinking and Artist’s Artist.


Franz Ackermann
Ian Anüll
Richard Artschwager
John Baldessari
Stephan Balkenhol
Matthias Bitzer
Ernst Caramelle
Vija Celmins
Koenraad Dedobbeleer
Jürgen Drescher
Pia Fries
General Idea
Barbara Kasten
Matt Mullican
Eileen Quinlan
Bernd Ribbeck
Gerhard Richter
Christoph Rütimann
Markus Saile
Bojan Šarčević
Albrecht Schnider
Thomas Schütte
Vincent Tavenne
Imogen Taylor
Paloma Varga Weisz
Irving Vera
Lawrence Weiner
Rémy Zaugg
Matthias Zinn

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